Nim’s Island: Chapter 15

  • Now it’s time for the storm clean-up.
  • And Chica’s going back to sea now?
  • So… One of Nim’s experimental rafts she was making to rescue Alex’s character is actually going to rescue Jack?
  • The clean-up continues, and Nim’s leg is still sorta hurt, like I thought.
  • And now Jack is finally home.

Nim’s Island: Chapter 12

  • …So, wait… I just realized… Alex is so reclusive that she’s never experienced fangirls before…
  • And… Alex just tried to get the Troppo Tourists to take her to the island. Well, that’s awkward.
  • Alex sailing would’ve been fun to watch. (It’s been like 11? 12? years since I’ve seen the movie, so I forget what all they included.)
  • “So, take me near Nim’s island but, like, not too close because it’s dangerous.” Basically that’s the adult storyteller version of Nim using the shark to scare off the Troppo Tourists.
  • “The captain giggled. ‘That makes us sound like the bad guys!'” What? Really? What gave you that idea?

Nim’s Island: Chapter 10

  • Real talk: I’m a grown adult, and I can barely pronounce the scientific name of that plankton Jack found, so how do they expect kids who read this to pronounce it?
  • “Nim knew she ought to be happy and ought to write a letter back, but her knee hurt too much to care and she needed advice faster than Galileo could bring it.” Girl, I feel that.
  • No, but seriously, since Jack is kinda stranded, Alex is the adultiest adult Nim’s got right now, even if she is more of a pen pal than anything at this point.
  • This island is too darn pretty moment of the chapter: I really want to hang out on the beach at night too.

Nim’s Island: Chapter 8

  • So, what’s worse: Jack being surrounded by sharks or the Troppo Tourists just sailing by and not caring that he’s surrounded by sharks?
  • Also, Stay Away. Stay Far Away, Troppo Tourists.
  • Nim making the island smell like dead shark is hilarious, but begs a few questions: How heavy was the shark, even with it being only half a shark, and with Nim dragging it up Fire Mountain in a wagon (with a hurt leg)? And how hard would it have been to live with if all of the scent hadn’t been blown out to sea by the wind?
  • I’d hate to be Nim running across any leftover shark bits that got scattered across the island. Unless she decided she wanted seafood and wanted to try a bit of “grilled” shark?

Nim’s Island: Chapter 7

  • I can’t tell if Fire Mountain is an awesome name or if it’s a bit too obvious of a name for a volcano. Although the view from up there does sound awesome.
  • No, but, like… How did Nim outrun everything coming out of the volcano?
  • Nim’s scraped-up knee’s gotta hurt…
  • But thank goodness the eruption was only a false alarm… (Wait… Is that about to be the plot of one of the sequels? Is the volcano actually going to destroy the rest of the island? I really need to track down copies of the sequels ASAP.)