A Study in Charlotte: Chapter One

  • And we’re starting off with a quote from the original A Study in Scarlet. No, OG Watson, Sherlocks don’t exist outside of stories, for the most part, especially most modern Sherlocks with their uber-pretentious geniusness. The only good exception I can think of is CBS Elementary Sherlock, who’s apparently closer to ACD canon.
  • “I only met Charlotte because of weirdly specific boarding school circumstances after getting hurt during rugby practice.” Yeah, I’m pretty sure American teens don’t play much rugby unless they go to a boarding school. Even if Charlotte and Jamie are British immigrants.
  • Jamie’s on scholarship? OK.
  • And he’s got a shit dad because of course he does.
  • OK, please don’t let this homesickness turn into Jamie-is-a-whiny-baby. I’ve mentioned it for other books, but that’s a huge turnoff for me.
  • Well, this is fun. “Weirdly specific boarding school circumstances” also include bad stereotype crazy teen parties.
  • And Charlotte and Jamie are Destined To Be Besties Like Their Ancestors Because They Have To. Can anyone give me more recs like Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald where Holmes and Watson AREN’T friends for once? That would be refreshing. Also, please don’t say the Lock and Mori series, where it’s a Sherlock/girl!Moriarty ship. I attempted reading the first one and rage quit at the stupidity. I may force myself to “try” those again just to bitch about them on here someday.
  • Of course, Charlotte’s the pretentious-level genius already. Can we get more detective stories where the detective isn’t pretentiously smart, just extremely lucky? Something more along the lines of Dirk Gently, especially the 2016 TV version?
  • And now during the Official Introduction, Jamie’s babbling like an idiot, and Charlotte’s a stuck-up bitch.
  • *squints at the rating for this book my personal Goodreads account when I first read this* How did I give this five stars? This book is shit.
  • Jamie’s mom always tried to keep him away from Charlotte? Good. Shoulda gone with the “fuck fate” and kept that up instead of trying to force Jamie to go to a school closer to his shit dad.
  • Charlotte was called to assist the police on a case when she was a ten-year-old? That’s… that’s a whole new level of Sherlock Holmes pretentiousness.
  • “Shut up about Charlotte or I’ll sell your autographed Neil Gaiman collection.” OK, first, nice reference to that story I mentioned earlier. Second, I’ll gladly take that collection because obviously Jamie’s stupid enough to ignore that advice.
  • Charlotte’s already Miss Super Detective, and Jamie’s all like “I’mma be a writer when I grow up.” Bad. Bad bad bad.
  • Oh, fun. This Dobson dude’s obviously the Bully Stereotype.
    • No, wait… he’s the Sleazy Bully Stereotype. That’s even worse.
  • Great. They keep referencing the strong possibility of Charlotte inheriting Sherlock’s drug issues. Can we not? For once? I know it’s supposed to be a big character point for Sherlock, but can we please just get rid of the whole stupid “Sherlock uses because he ‘thinks better’ while high” thing?
  • Wait, Jamie’s got anger management issues? And that’s why he was Forced Into Rugby? Can we not do that either?
  • Jamie’s “defending Charlotte’s honor” because of course he is.
  • Yeah, this Dobson’s a creep. And I’m definitely not liking the implications of this bit where Charlotte asked if he only liked girls drugged and unconscious.
  • She’s also got this “not a damsel in distress” thing going? I guess?
  • Oh, lovely. On the one hand, I’m glad that this shithead Dobson’s the murder victim. On the other hand, seriously? This is how Jamie’s going to live his fanboy dream?