Midnight on the Moon: Earth Life

  • OK, now they’re back home.
  • But apparently Morgan’s just dropping them off on the way back to Camelot.
  • “Yeah, I might be back at some point.” Gotta love that, knowing there’s a whole ton of sequels.
  • OK, so Annie thinks the moon man was an alien.
  • Now that I’m done with this one, I’m debating whether or not to hold off on blogging the next two Magic Tree House books I have for a few days, since marathon blogging them kinda wore me out.

Midnight on the Moon: Morgan

  • Wait, the spell could only be broken on the moon, and they could’ve done it as soon as they got there? What? Good thing the moon man gave them the clue, since they couldn’t tell that from what Morgan was trying to say when she was Peanut…
  • OK, yeah, the moments where Morgan was freaking out was her trying to talk, but only some of the other people and animals could speak mouse.
  • But seriously though, who was the moon man?
  • Apparently Merlin was the one who turned Morgan into a mouse. Just for the lolz.

Midnight on the Moon: The Moon Man

  • So the moon man just helped Jack and Annie get up.
  • And apparently he has a jet pack. OK, where can we get jet packs in the next ten years, not counting those water sports ones? On second thought, they would probably work as well as those hovercraft things.
  • Instead of answering the note asking who he is, the moon man just drew a picture of some stars. OK.
  • And it’s… a map? Alright. Maybe M Thing?

Midnight on the Moon: High Jump

  • Jack is over here like “stranger danger,” and Annie’s like “what if he can help find the M Thing?”
  • And now Jack’s like “we gotta go get new air tanks for our spacesuits anyway.”
  • Oh, fun. Now they’re stuck because a meteorite crashed into the pass to the base and blocked it off.
  • And now they both got weighed down by the spacesuits when they jumped over the meteorite. (Huh. I guess it was big enough to block the buggy, but much smaller than I imagined.)
  • And now the moon man found them.

Midnight on the Moon: Hang On!

  • So now they’re bouncing around the moon in the buggy, trying to find the M Thing, and then they find an American flag,
  • And apparently that is still the flag from the 1969 moon landing.
  • So, they just left their own version of the plaque that’s there, done with a page from Jack’s notebook. No, but, what would happen if the scientists who sometimes go to the base saw that? They’d be like “Who are these kids who left this? How did they even get here?”
  • And now some other dude in a spacesuit just showed up. Unless that’s one of the scientists, that’s not creepy at all…

Midnight on the Moon: Open Sesame!

  • Annie might be right about the M Thing being outside. I mean, if it ends up being a moon rock or something. But it probably won’t be that easy.
  • OK, so she didn’t actually get the spacesuit and leave yet.
  • I’m cracking up at Jack over here saying the spacesuit helmet being lighter than an armor helmet. That’s a great Easter egg.
  • OK, Annie not realizing there are headsets built into the helmets and basically yelling in Jack’s ear is hilarious too.

Midnight on the Moon: Space Motel

  • OK, now they’re in some sort of empty, white room on the moon.
  • So, a moon base got built in 2031. I guess this is the first (only?) one where they travel to the future instead of the past. *insert dumb meme about not letting Elon Musk read this in the next decade*
  • OK, so Peanut is freaking out again.
  • So yeah, it’s a bit of a “space motel for scientists” but more like a research base.
  • of course Annie’s already running to pick up a spacesuit and go outside.

Midnight on the Moon: By Moonlight

  • Yep. Annie’s waking Jack up in the middle of the night so they can go to the treehouse and find the last M Thing.
  • So apparently the moon is so bright they don’t need flashlights.
  • Now Jack’s worried about going to the moon without spacesuits. I mean, he’s got a point, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone left them out for them somewhere.